What is Aesthetic Medicine?

Aesthetic medicine is a specialty that aims to improve and correct various aesthetic problems. In order to provide patients with an improvement in their self-esteem.

Medicina Estética

What are the benefits of Aesthetic Medicine?

  • To prevent and treat various aesthetic pathologies
  • To prevent signs of aging
  • To Apply techniques for aesthetic and beauty improvement
  • To promote physical, mental and personal well-being

Aesthetic Medicine uses minimally invasive (non-surgical) medical practices for both sexes for the following purposes:

  • Estimulação da produção de colágeno

    Stimulation of collagen, elastin and fibroblasts production, activation of the protective functions of the skin

  • Combate ao envelhecimento

    Combat aging

  • Manutenção da beleza e juventude

    Maintenance of beauty and youth

  • Aumento da auto-estima e autopercepção

    Increased self-esteem and self-perception